Meeting of Stourport-on-Severn Town Council

Tuesday 7 May 2024 6.30pm

Coroners Court, Civic Centre, New Street, Stourport-on-Severn


1. Election of the Town Mayor for the Year 2024-25.

(a)   To elect the Town Mayor for 2024-25.  The Meeting will be invited to propose, second and to resolve the appointment of a Member as the Town Mayor of Stourport-on-Severn for 2024-25.

(b)   The Town Mayor will make the Declaration of Acceptance of Office before the Town Clerk and will express thanks for his/her election. 

(c)   The Town Mayor will announce the person who will be Mayoress/Consort for the Mayoral year 2024-25.

2. To receive apologies for absence.

3. To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on the 2nd April 2024.  (Appendix 1)

4. Declarations of Interest - to invite Members to declare any interest in any item on this Agenda.


(a)     A vote of thanks will be proposed to the Retiring Mayor and Mayoress (Councillor Mike Freeman and Ms Samantha Lees).  A presentation of the past Mayor’s Badge and Mayoress’ Badge will be made.

(b)          Councillor Freeman will be invited to offer the Meeting a brief resumé of his Mayoralty during 2023-24.

6. Appointment of Deputy Mayor for 2024-25.  The Meeting will be invited to propose, second and to resolve the appointment of a Member as Deputy Mayor for 2024-25.

7. To receive such communications as the retiring Mayor may desire to submit (a separate list of the Mayor’s engagements since the Council’s Meeting on the 2nd April 2024 is appended).  (Appendix 2)

8. To receive the Planning Committee minutes of 30th April 2024 and approve authorisation for recommendations where applicable. (Appendix 3)


(a)     Political Balance (Appendix 4)

(b)     Appointment of Members to serve on the following Committees.  (Appendix 5):-

(i)  Finance Committee
(ii)  Parks Committee
(iii) Grants Committee
(iv) Planning Committee
(v) Appointments Panel

(c)     Appointment of Members to serve on the:-

(i) Town Centre Working Party / High Street Task Force
(ii) Civic Hall Working Group
(iii) Stourport Forward Working Group
(iv) Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) Working Group
(v) Localism Working Party
(vi) Contingency Planning Working Party

10. Agree the Appointment of Members to serve on outside Organisations.  (Appendix 6)

11. Agree dates for all 2024-25 Town Council Meetings.  (Appendix 7)

12. To receive and adopt the following:

  1. Annual Review of Standing Orders.  (Appendix 8)
  2. Clear Desk Policy.  (Appendix 9)
  3. Driving for Work Policy.  (Appendix 10)
  4. Grievance and Disciplinary Policy.  (Appendix 11)
  5. Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy (Appendix 12)

13. To receive an update from Councillor B Dawes on Safer Neighbourhood Watch.

14. To receive a verbal update from the Chairman of the High Street Task Force Working Party.

15. To receive an update from and Councillors P Harrison and C Rogers (Stourport County Council Councillors).

16. To consider a draft Business Plan and make any changes to it.  (Appendix 13)

17. Accounts.

18. Any other business in accordance with Standing Orders.