Parks committee of Stourport-On-Severn Town Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parks Committee of Stourport-on-Severn Town Council held in the Mayor’s parlour at the Civic Centre, Stourport-on-Severn at 11.30am on Monday 22nd January 2024


Councillors:     K Henderson; E Burnip; D Morris; I Schmeising-Barnes; H Williams 

Officers: S Saunders (Town Clerk); G Shaw (Treasurer); K Terry (Parks & Cemetery Superintendent)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor P Harrison.  Councillor H Williams was appointed as a substitute.

18.       MINUTES

It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 25th September 2023 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


There were no declarations of interest.

20.         Report from the Treasurer on priority and budget setting 2024/25, together with a report from the Parks and Cemetery Superintendent

The Treasurer presented his report and reminded Members that the papers related to Parks items only and that any recommendations would be reported to the Finance Committee.

The main points raised were:

  • The largest overspend was the cemetery budget.  There had been a lot less burials this financial year than in previous years.  It was perceived that it could be due to the cost of living and that people were finding other options, i.e. scattering ashes on various sites.
  • The figure of £35,165 for the paddling pool resurface had been agreed at the Finance committee meeting held on 31st October 2023.
  • It was confirmed that the external doors fitted at Stourport Community Centre were grey UPVC security fire doors.
  • The underspend on park salaries related to the post of Parks & Cemetery Superintendent.
  • There was approximately 10 years left on space at the town cemetery.
  • Following a discussion, it was agreed to look at “Pay as you Go” toilets for the financial year 2025/26.
  • A budget for the Elizabeth Mills Centre to be added for the financial year 2025/26 for possible repair costs.

The Parks & Cemetery Superintendent presented his report and following a discussion on grassroots under-18’s football, he was asked to obtain further information as to how local authorities dealt with football teams and ask the two groups who have requested use of the War Memorial Park and Areley Kings Recreational Ground, what agreement they currently have in place with the sites they use.  He would also provide them with details of a few alternative sites.

It was agreed to look at costs of a second-hand water bowser. 

Councillor Burnip left the meeting at this point, 12.50pm.

The Treasurer confirmed that the £300 for a cylinder mower for the gardens had been included in the draft budget.


There was no other business.


The meeting closed at 12.54pm.