Finance committee of Stourport-On-Severn Town Council

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Mayor's parlour, Civic Centre, Stourport-on-Severn

  1. To elect a Chairman for the current Municipal year.
  2. To receive apologies for absence.
  3. To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 14 March 2023. (Appendix 1)
  4. Declarations of Interest - to invite Members to declare any Disclosure Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) and/or Other Disclosable Interests (ODIs) in the following items on this Agenda.
  5. To receive the Internal Auditor’s Report and assess the adequacy of internal audit arrangements. (Appendix 2)
  6. Annual Governance Statement 2022/23. To receive the annual Governance Statement 2022/23 (PDF301KB) which requires approval at the Town Council meeting on 6th June 2023.  (Appendix 3)
  7. Annual Accounts 2022/23. To receive the Annual Accounts for 2022/23 (PDF 905KB) which requires approval at the Town Council meeting on 6th June 2023.  (Appendix 4)
  8. To seek approval for a new software package for Cemeteries.
  9. To receive a verbal report from the Town Clerk on Stourport Town Council email addresses for Councillors.
  10. Any other business in accordance with Standing Orders.